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MIRROR Face to Face

Italian and Estonian Artists exhibition
Graphic art exposition

23/03 - 20/04


International Graphic Triennal Bitola Institute and Museum, Bitola
7000 Bitola

Republic of Macedonia

14 - 22/05


Biblioteca internazionale "La Vigna"

Contrà Porta Santa Croce 3

Vicenza, Italy

04 - 19/06


Cartiera di Vas

Via Case Sparse

Quero Vas (BL), Italy



Mirror-face to tace is an artworks exhibition, an artist's meeting point, where the visitors will be fascinated by the encounter of different views on the Contemporary.

In a fragile Europe, whose identity crisis expresses in the rising totem of the boundary, art answers with its resistance, encouraging to look up and gaze at the Other, recognizing identities among differences, inspiring unknown combinations, tracing bonds, webs, neural networks, where ideas and knowledge blossom.

Two different countries meet and look at each other; they mirror through generations of contemporary artists, who express themselves, using traditional, experimental or mixed engraving and artistic graphic techniques. More than 60 artists from ltaly and Macedonia present their works of art to the audience.

The Association Celestetica/Galleria Celeste of Vicenza organized this exhibition with the participation of the lnternational Library "La Vigna" and the Association LaCharta of Vas. Valeria Bertesina (curator of the Schio lnternational Art Biennal Dicarta/Papermade) is the project creator and curator in ltaly and Viado Goreski (cura tor of the Bitola Triennial) is the curator in Macedonia.

This exhibition will be presented three times: in Bitola (Macedonia), in Vicenza and in Vas, Belluno (ltaly).


Valeria Bertesina



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